The people whose information you store in your PostoHub account are known as your subscriber. A person’s contact type determines which campaigns they’re eligible for, and whether they count toward your plan’s monthly contact limit.

Types of subscriber

We categorize the main types of subscriber based on their email marketing status: 

  • Active
  • Inactive
  • Unsubscribed
  • Invalid
  • Complaint

Active – is someone who has opted in to receive your email marketing. Subscribers can join your audience from one of your signup forms, landing pages, or connected stores. 

All imported or manually added contacts become Active, as long as you’ve received explicit permission. Status of such contact will be Active in a status column. 

Counts toward monthly plan limit?: Yes

Can receive: All types of marketing


Inactive – You can get the contact off from the sending campaign by making contact Inactive simply clicking on the correspondent icon or through the Edit contact menu. Status of such contact will be Inactive in a status column.

Emails with Automatic responses will get status Inactive after successful delivery. Campaign will no longer use this email address until you manually change status to Active.

Counts toward monthly plan limit?: Yes

Cannot receive: Marketing emails


Invalid – Contact status changes to Invalid if its email address bounced during the campaign. You would not be able to send any more emails to such email id. The campaign still can be reused but Invalid email id will be ignored. Status of such contact will be Invalid in a status column.

A bounce might occur if the recipient’s address doesn’t exist, or the recipient’s email provider is blocking email from your domain or IP address. Email providers consider a high bounce rate to be a negative sign. This is because it indicates that a sender is sending email to people who haven’t explicitly opted to receive messages from this sender.

After some number of bounced emails, an account will be blocked.

Counts toward monthly plan limit?: No

Can receive: Nothing


Unsubscribed – Contacts gets status Unsubscribed when contact decides to stop receiving marketing emails from your sender. Status of such contact will be Unsubscribe in a status column.

Counts toward monthly plan limit?: Yes

Can receive: Nothing


Complained – Contact gets status Complained after spam complaints. It may happen when a subscriber marks email as spam or ESP identifies it as suspicious. This email id is no longer deliverable. 

Counts toward monthly plan limit?: No

Can receive: Nothing

More information Why was my account blocked

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